Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beyond A Crush

Ok, so I've had a KitchenAid for eight years and have had a crush on it the whole time. How could you not?! They come in all different cute colors, they're so sleek and stylish looking, and just the presence of one on your counter top gives you added credibility in the culinary world. Unfortunately, a crush is all is ever was because the one time I actually tried to use this masterpiece of machinery was a disaster that ended in blobs of egg-soaked butter and sugar all over the place. Since then the KitchenAid and I have had a strained relationship where I sigh and stare from afar and it squats cold and beautiful in its corner, unwilling to compromise.

And so it continued until this weekend when, with the help of my personal Kitchen Appliance Counselor and Mediator Extraordinaire, Diane, the KitchenAid and I finally progressed into the next stage of our relationship. I had my first successful encounter with the KitchenAid and actually made one normal sized and two tiny loaves of bread. Will we continue along the path into a full-blown culinary affair? Well, I'm pretty sure we'll never share the love that I harbor for my Chi Blow Dryer, but now I can bake easy in the knowledge that we are at least friends. I no longer have to exist in the uncomfortable situation of having an unrequited crush on an appliance.


Unknown said...

I'm glad that you have such a great relationship with a kitchen appliance. If it was one of those mini-Tranformers it would definitely be an Autobot!

Megan said...

I'm happy to hear the bread making was a success and that you & your Kitchen Aid have moved into the next stage of your relationship. Can a get the recipe from you?