Friday, May 1, 2009

Master Johnson

Today was the first, and probably only, time in my life anyone will ever stop traffic for me. It was graduation day for Masters and PhD students at Utah State University. We started at the Field House and paraded in a straggling line down to the Spectrum where we were properly hooded in assembly-line fashion and received our diplomas. The best part of the graduation was when the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies asked us to stand so he could confer our degrees upon us and the way he said it was very confusing. Instead of standing we all just sat there and looked around like sheep, not like people who are supposed to be intelligent. He had to ask us again. It was pretty funny. The following are some photos of the event. I just want to say a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to everyone receiving a diploma this year and a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the friends and family who supported them. Stay tuned for photos of Paul's commencement, which will take place tomorrow.


The Bartlett's North said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! It only gets better from here! And, I just want to did you make that AWFUL cap & gown look good?!? Seriously, it must be because you're so dang gorgeous!
Love ya!

carli said...

Congrats!! I know that to you it seems like it was forever but to me it seems like we just had the conversation that you were going to go back. I seem to think that I should go back the time is going to pass no matter what.

Jenny Hatch said...

Yipee! Master Johnson indeed! Hats off girlfriend; how cool are you. (Master graduate, is that proper placement of a semicolon?) I miss your face and your funny personality.